Inspired by Canada Reduces, Sources of Knowledge (SoK) and Peninsula Bruce Trail Club (PBTC)
are working together on a pilot project called, Saugeen Peninsula Reduces Waste. This pilot
project aims to reduce single-use plastic especially related to food and beverage containers,
and promotes BYO – Bring Your Own Container.
The Saugeen Peninsula Reduces Waste project will promote local businesses that are working
toward reducing single-use plastic by offering a “bring your own” container option for
customers. Project participants will be given a free window decal to help identify their
establishment as a Saugeen Peninsula Reduces Waste merchant. Participating businesses will
be profiled on the SoK and PBTC websites.
We need all-hands-on-deck to help reduce waste! Waste is a huge problem – textile waste,
food waste, and especially single use plastic waste. Plastic does not decompose. It leeches into
the soil and water and eventually finding its way to our table.
Tacomory is one of the first establishments in the Saugeen Peninsula to sign up for this new initiative!