Exploring Nature and Volunteering: A Diverse Range of Topics
This issue covers a range of topics including the importance of volunteering, a profile on Lloyd Hayward, junior birders, group hiking, the Rural Rocks Side Trail, otter encounters, hiking tips, and winter celebrations. It also includes a Kids Corner with a coloring page and scavenger hunt, and a touching story about reforestation efforts on the Palmer Property. Ideal for nature enthusiasts and volunteers
Issue #1 2023
A special tribute to our dedicated volunteers
Issue #1 2022
New Fern and Orchid Badges
Read all about PBTC’s new fern and orchid badges, encouraging hikers to slow down and notice the beauty and variety of plants along the trail.
Issue #1 2021
Staircase to Heaven
In this issue, we cover a variety of topics related to outdoor activities and conservation efforts in our region. Our articles include information about the construction of the Barrow Bay staircase, a profile of a dedicated trail builder from our archives, the concept of biodiversity rebounding, tips for earning a birder badge, the Peninsula Section end-to-end hike in 2022, community yoga in the meadows, the issue of unwanted species, and the Orchid Quest. We also provide practical advice for outdoor enthusiasts, such as how to earn a PRIDE badge by hiking, loving, and keeping the environment clean, as well as information about what to do with a wounded owl. Additionally, we delve into the efforts to restore the American chestnut tree and introduce you to our Trail Ambassadors, past and present. Finally, we offer some thoughts on Thanksgiving on the Bruce Trail and provide resources for addressing graffiti in our community.
Issue #3 2022
Elm Trees have returned
Know about the new addition of 30 young Elm trees at Colpoys area, Trail Reroutes, Donor Event, European reed (Phragmites), hiking stories and much more
Issue #3 2021
The Cairn at Tobermory
Learn about the history of the Cairn in Tobermory, invasive species management, fern and fossil hike stories, and much more…
Issue #2 2022
Invasive Species – Giant Hogweed
Learn about Giant Hogweed – number 1 on the BTC’s list of top 10 invasive species
Issue #2 2021