Hike It! Love It! Keep It Clean! Community Science Project

Did you know the top three littered items on the Bruce Trail include:

  • Plastic – mostly single-use food and beverage containers
  • Cigarette butts and smoking-related items’Cigarette butts and smoking-related items
  • Paper pieces of all types

HikeITLoveITKeepItClean picture 1
Garbage Load

Analyzing Litter Data

Peninsula Bruce Trail Club (PBTC) is committed to using a Community Science approach as we continue to collect, sort and submit our litter collection data to Bruce Trail Conservancy.

In 2023, PBTC Litter Ambassador Volunteers and PBTC Trail Ambassadors will focus on key hot spot areas for group clean ups and support individual volunteers to collect, sort litter and send their litter data to BTC. BTC will analyse the data in Fall 2023.

Sorted Litter and 'The Prized Litter Find

To improve cleanliness of the Bruce Trail

To learn more about the location and type of litter on the Bruce Trail

To increase awareness about the impact of litter on our natural environment

To emphasize the importance of reducing single-use plastic

To raise awareness cigarette butts are not biodegradable and can be recycled

Help Wanted


During the 2024 season, we need your help! Volunteer as a PBTC Litter Ambassador. In person training regarding safe pickup practices, litter sorting, data recording and submitting is available. Volunteer vests and litter pickup supplies are provided.

It’s fun, a great way to meet others and being outdoors is always a special treat! Be part of the movement! Every small action helps make big change!

Four ways you can help:

  • Volunteer as a PBTC Litter Ambassador for a specific section of the Bruce Trail in our section.
  • Volunteer as a PBTC Litter Ambassador at PBTC Community Litter Pickup Events. See below for details.
  • Volunteer to develop innovative and interactive games for community engagement at litter pickup events and displays.
  • Support our community partners at their litter events, when possible.
