15 YEAR VOLUNTEER recognition
Darci Lombard
“It has been a gift to work with such dedicated, passionate volunteers, to build relations with generous landowners in the area, and to learn from the knowledgeable staff at the BTC head office. The love of the outdoors and hiking is what brought me to be involved with the Bruce Trail; it is the people and everyone’s dedication to such a great cause, that inspire me to continue volunteering.” – Darci

Raised close to Akandoowinini (Devil’s Monument), in Miller Lake, Darci spent much of her childhood hiking nearby with her family, where she surely developed her passion for nature and outdoor activities. It was only natural that when she returned to the area to operate her family business, that she gave back to Bruce Trail and volunteer her time with the Peninsula Bruce Trail Club.
To learn more about the club’s activities, she attended a hiking festival in 2007, and quickly found herself working with an outstanding group of volunteers to help organize the next year’s festival. She joined the Special Events Committee under the leadership of Marlene Rothenbury, and after a year, she took the reins from Marlene as the chair of this committee, and joined the Board of the PBTC as the Special Events Coordinator. Not only was there a festival to organize that year, but it was the Peninsula Club’s turn to host the Bruce Trail Conservancy Annual General Meeting. The committee decided to combine the two events to host what turned out to be one of the most successful and memorable events for the Club!
The 2009 Bruce Trail Conservancy AGM/Peninsula Bruce Trail Club Outdoor Festival was an awesome event, thanks to Darci’s leadership and sense of fun. As then club President Don McIlraith said in his report to the PBTC Board in November 2009;
“It’s a bit difficult to wrench ourselves from the glow of approbation flowing our way from what some of the past presidents of the BTC have told us was the best AGM ever. We even had a special motion of congratulations and thanks passed at the recent BTC board meeting. Well done to all of our volunteers – especially Darci and her planning committee.”
Darci remained on the Board as the Special Events coordinator, until 2011 when she moved into a position as the Landowner Relations Director, a position which she continues to hold today.
In Darci’s role as Landowner Relations Director, she maintains contact with landowners on whose property the Bruce Trail crosses, as well as neighbouring landowners. There is an extremely important relationship between Peninsula landowners and the Bruce Trail Conservancy, and Darci’s personal connection with Landowners is pivotal in the success of the trail crossing private land on the Peninsula. You might say she is the Club’s first point of contact with landowners, and she manages this very important relationship with great success!
Over the years, Darci has been involved in many other trail-related activities, including leading hikes, trail building and maintenance, and organizing landowner appreciation events. She obtained her Hike Leader Certification in 2007.
Her and her family have been long-time residents and business owners of Summer House Park on beautiful Miller Lake, where they have enjoyed hosting the PBTC Spruce Up the Bruce and AGM event for many years.
Darci continues to enjoy working with all those involved with the Bruce Trail and is proud to support the organization’s mission to conserve natural spaces for future generations to enjoy!

Positions Held on PBTC Board of Directors
2008-2009- Special Event Coordinator
2009-2010- Special Event Coordinator-(PBTC hosted BTC AGM)
2010-2011- Special Event Coordinator
2011-Present- Landowner Relations Director
2023- PBTC 15 year Recognition – for serving on the Board of Directors of Peninsula Bruce Trail Club- Plaque installed on bench at Akandoowinini (Devil’s Monument) platform.
2021- BTC 10 year Volunteer award presented at the cairn in Tobermory to Darci by Tamara Wilson in October 2021.
Landowner Appreciation hike on the property of a prominent landowner in Colpoy’s Bay, Ron Gatis, who guided the hike and shared his knowledge of the history of the property. Organized by Darci May 11, 2014 (Photo courtesy of PBTC FB post)