2024 For the Birds
Art Sale Fundraiser
For the fourth year, the Peninsula Bruce Trail Club is inviting you to support its conservation and education projects related to bird species at risk and protection of bird habitat on the Bruce Trail Conservancy Nature Reserves and along the Bruce Trail on the Saugeen (Bruce) Peninsula. Art sale goes live on November 1st @ 9 a.m.
Thank you to all of the generous and talented artist who donated work to this sale. 100% of the proceeds will go directly to the PBTC’s conservation and education efforts.
A PBTC Volunteer will contact the buyer to arrange for shipping. If pickup or drop off cannot be arranged, shipping costs will be the responsibility of the buyer.
Wild Drake by M. Lynne Rusk
Sandhill Crane by Fran Turner
Red-Wing Prosperity by M. Lynne Rusk
Red-Head Resilience by M. Lynne Rusk
Paintbrushes at Cape Chin by Fran Turner
My First Sign of Spring by Arlene Saunders
Morning Glory by Marie Knapp
Misty Morning Walk by Nancy Cornforth
Flowers on the Bruce by Nancy Cornforth (unframed)
Special thanks this year to our gallery sponsor, The Taylor Gallery at Ashanti Café in Wiarton, for displaying the works at their beautiful gallery.